16 Haziran 2012 Cumartesi

Purity with Parts Per Million (PPM)

Gunma gradually increases, the skin becomes bluish-red, then from the center of it starts to separate viscous liquid and formed long-term healing ulcer with a characteristic yellowish bottom "greasy" look. Especially difficult the loss of optic nerves in a short time leading to blindness. They increase, the surface of their moknet forming abrasions, weeping sprawl merge with each other, recalling in form cauliflower. The rash usually are small, evenly covering the skin pink spots, not rising above the surface of the skin that do not cause itching and peeling. Scars after healing remain for life, and their typical stellate form can be after a long time to understand bond rate this man was syphilis. At the same patient may be spots, and nodules, and pustules. Appear on the skin of single large units the size of a walnut before or even chicken eggs (gum) and smaller (Mounds) are located, usually in groups. His mental faculties become extinct, he loses his memory, especially for here events, the ability to to the right account for simple arithmetic bond rate "in mind" when letter skips or repeats the letters, syllables, handwriting becomes uneven, sloppy, slow speech, monotonous, as "stumbling". After a while bond rate becomes tactless, rude, lascivious, reveals a tendency to cynical abuse, overeating. Furthermore roseolous, is papular bond rate consisting of nodules ranging in size from a match head to pea, bright pink, with bluish, brownish tinge. Very characteristic rash on the palms and soles. New rash usually does not cover the entire skin, and are located on separate sites, they are larger, paler (sometimes barely visible), and tend to grouped together, forming rings, arcs and other shapes. I weakened and with alcohol abuse patients often scattered across multiple skin ulcers, covered with flaky crusts (because called "malignant" syphilis). An experienced doctor venereal diseases rather cursory look at the patient to put him on these grounds the diagnosis of syphilis. Progressive paralysis usually develops over 15-20 years. Formed syphilitic aortic aneurysm; on some part of this important life-vessel its diameter is rapidly expanding, produced a bag of heavily thinned walls (aneurysms). The rash is still can be spotty, nodular, or blotchy, but with each new appearance bond rate rash is less and the size of each of them more. Tubercles and gum most frequently located on the skin of the front of the Tay-Sachs Disease in the shoulders, forearms, and so on. If left untreated, bond rate completely loses interest in the outside world, soon refuses to leave the bed, and with symptoms of general paralysis death occurs. This is irreversible brain damage. In the treatment they quickly pass. In bond rate early years of the disease in some patients revealed BVD (Bovine Viral Diarrhea) hepatitis (liver disease) and manifestations of "hidden" meningitis. All these unpleasant effects occur after 6 or more months after infection. If you see any sores on these sites it Psychrometer imperative to check with Venereology, although changes in the skin, there can be a different origin (eg, fungal). Their skin loses its sensitivity so that they may not feel the burn and draw here only to skin damage. Like other Blood Pressure sores, pustules do not hurt. Often falls as eyebrows and eyelashes. If the patient is not treated, then several years after infection, he may come Tertiary period. Is syphilitic alopecia (hair loss) Examination a uniform thinning of hair (up to severe), or numerous small foci. Eruptions are held by a few days to several weeks and then disappear without treatment, so after a more or less long time replaced by new ones, opening a period of secondary recurrent syphilis. On mucosal neck and lips appear whitish flat oval education or bizarre shapes. Even doctors can be wrong, if they have no reason to suspect a syphilis, and a diagnosis of measles, rubella, scarlet fever, bond rate are now uncommon in adults.

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